4 mins read

Explain the Single Life To Your Kids

Among the many thorny conversations Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will eventually have to have with their six kids following their recently announced plans to divorce, lies one in particular that routinely stumps even the most grounded parents: how to explain to your kids that you are dating someone who is not their mom or…

3 mins read

Organic Pregnancy Diet

When you wander the aisles of the grocery store, it seems that every food item has both an organic and non-organic, or conventional variety. Since the 1990s and into the 21st century, organic foods have grown in popularity. By 2005, 4 million acres of farmland were dedicated to organic farms, up from 1 million in 1990, according to Dr. Alan Greene at The Daily Green. When you’re pregnant, you may wish to eat more organic, or exclusively organic to protect your baby from exposure to pesticides.

2 mins read

What Are the Benefits of Organic Baby Food?

Many parents and caregivers wonder if organic baby food provides any concrete benefits. Often more expensive than its conventional counterparts, organic baby food may seems like an unnecessary investment. However, according to Dr. Elizabeth Knapp, a pediatrician at Austin Regional Clinic Far West, organic baby food can support a baby’s developing body and brain and protect her from exposure to harmful substances.

3 mins read

How to Buy Eco-friendly Furniture

In all areas of our modern lives, we’re going green whenever we can—including our household and office furnishings. Furniture makers are now producing bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom furniture made of renewable or recycled materials with an eye to environmental friendliness. With eco-friendly furniture getting easier to find, more varied in style and more affordable, greater numbers of people are opting for the natural, the recycled, the organic and the sustainable.