2 mins read

How to Prepare Your Body for a Healthy Pregnancy

Many birth defects or complications are out of a woman’s control, but entering into pregnancy in the healthiest state possible reduces risks of other complications. Even small improvements to your overall health and lifestyle positively impact the pregnancy. Assessing your current habits and health level gives you a starting point for making adjustments. Even though your partner doesn’t directly grow the baby during pregnancy, his healthy lifestyle changes before conception make an overall positive impression on the family.

3 mins read

Body Beauty Tips

A beautiful body does not mean emptying your purse to pay for expensive (and sometimes painful) spa treatments. Sure, most women enjoy an occasional massage or facial, but there are many ways to make your body beautiful on the inside and on the outside, from the comfort of your home.

3 mins read

What to Eat When Detoxing Your Body

Stress and environmental toxins wreak havoc on your body by causing internal systems to slowly deteriorate. The result is that you feel sick and sluggish, and you increase your risk of disease. According to Peter Bennett, M.D., medical director of Helios Clinic in Victoria, B.C., eating foods that help detoxify your body will rid it of excess toxins while nourishing it from the inside out.