3 mins read

The Risk Factors in Infant Stimulation and Development

Infants thrive on and need stimulation to ensure proper development. By stimulating your infant’s senses, you’re encouraging communication, interaction and learning. You’re also giving him a sense of importance. However, there can be too much of a good thing—an excess of new sights and sounds can overstimulate a baby. Also, not all methods of infant stimulation are beneficial. Walk through any major baby department and you’ll see numerous gadgets and videos claiming to make your baby smart. Are these really necessary?

2 mins read

Carnival in Merida

The following is an article from Traveling Pat! Patricia is a regular contributor to The Inspirational Mom. Blaring… earsplitting…cacophonous.., deafening… booming..! Only a few words to describe the parade of de los ninos, which kicks off Carnival.

5 mins read

Michele Tafoya: A Woman Dominating in a Man’s World

ModernMom was honored and delighted to interview Michele Tafoya, one of the few successful female sports reporters. She’s interviewed everyone who is anyone in the sports arena – and she does it with ease and grace. We asked her about the challenges of being a female in a male-dominated field, and about how her career shifted when she became a mom. Read on for her inspiring and insightful comments: MM: You’ve had a lot of great reporting and announcing jobs. What has been your favorite thus far?

5 mins read

Brooke Reports on the Gulf Disaster…

Immediately after I committed to getting involved with Blue Seals, David and I set out for Louisiana. I needed to see with my own eyes what was going on down there so we could figure out a way to contribute. It saddened me to hear some of the Twitter feedback when I tweeted that we were off to explore the Gulf and help with the oil spill. Someone actually wrote that my involvement sounded like a publicity ploy. My first reaction was disappointment at how jaded people are, then I thought: So what! If I can use myself and my celebrity as a publicity ploy to bring attention to a desperate situation, I am totally willing to do just that. So off we went, not knowing what the days ahead would show us.