3 mins read

Ancient Greek Love Potions

If you love someone who is not into you as much as you are into him, it can be a downer. It would be wise to just let it go, but that is easier said than done. When love becomes one-sided, there’s only so much you can do. However, there may still be hope if you are desperately in love. Try some of the love potions formulated in Ancient Greece. As long as it does not hurt anyone, it may be worth a shot.

2 mins read

Urban Myths on Contraceptives

Urban myths about birth control and contraception come with a high price tag of pregnancy. You may have received most of your sex ed from friends rather than parents, teachers or doctors. This creates inaccurate information and sometimes risky behavior. Dispel the common myths about contraception and pregnancy to keep yourself, your children and your partners free of unplanned pregnancies.