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Pilates Classes for Pregnancy

Exercising during your pregnancy helps keep you and your baby healthy. Certain exercises can also help you prepare for labor, such as Pilates. Developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, Pilates strengthens your core, or the abdominal, back and pelvic muscles, which can become weak during pregnancy. While most Pilates exercises are safe for pregnancy, a number are not. You should talk to your doctor before beginning a Pilates class and make sure your instructor understands that you are pregnant.

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Pregnancy Exercise Classes

Staying fit during pregnancy can reduce discomfort, increase your energy level and improve your stamina and strength for labor. You can opt for low impact cardiovascular activities, continue your previous fitness activities or take prenatal or pregnancy exercise classes. Pregnancy exercise classes offer a safe option for pregnant women looking to get or stay fit, and can be an ideal way to meet other soon-to-be moms.

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Yoga Classes for Baby

Yoga has physical and emotional benefits. Many yoga studios that offer prenatal yoga also offer parent-and-baby yoga classes. You can choose a yoga class for new parents that integrate babies into the poses, or opt for a yoga-for-babies class that entertains and invigorates babies and toddlers with games, stretches and playful exercises. If yoga is part of your lifestyle, starting your child early on can help him learn to love yoga.