8 mins read

California’s Regional Center System: Tips and Tricks

What is a regional center? In California, there are 21 regional centers. Regional center clients include people on the autism spectrum as well as people with cerebral palsy, mental retardation, epilepsy, and all other cases involving developmental delays. Recently, my child’s regional center reported that approximately 90% of incoming cases are autism-related.

2 mins read

Makeup for Stretch Marks

People get stretch marks when the collagen in the skin breaks down under the stress of extra weight. Common reasons for stretch marks include a pregnancy, gaining extra weight, bodybuilding and rapid growth during puberty. Stretch marks look red in the beginning and turn white as they heal. Massaging stretch marks with a lubricant, such as cocoa butter, can help scars heal better, says Dr. Michael Bermant, board-certified plastic surgeon in Virginia, on the Plastic Surgery 4 U website.

2 mins read

Clothes That Hide Pregnancy

Just weeks after your pregnancy, you may start showing. Even if everyone around you can’t tell, you might start feeling bloated and constricted. If you aren’t ready to start announcing the reason for the added weight, dress strategically to conceal that little baby bump. Use both the maternity and the non-maternity sections of the store to keep your secret.