3 mins read

Baby Development Milestones

Now that your baby is born, you get to enjoy watching her reach several milestones over her first year of life. Baby development milestones include the big ones, such as walking for the first time and saying her first words, as well as smaller, but equally important ones, such as being able to lift her head on her own and recognizing who you are.

4 mins read

Baby Brain Development in the Womb

Your baby’s brain starts developing almost at the moment of conception, according to the Long Island Spectrum Center website. By the time you are three weeks pregnant, the developing embryo has formed a neural groove, which is the foundation for the brain structure. By the time your baby is born, her brain will have over 100 billion neurons.

4 mins read

Developing Good Study Habits

One of the most challenging aspects of parenting older children is teaching them how to study. While sitting down at the kitchen table and reviewing the content in the book can be helpful, it's not always enough to give children the information they need to succeed on coming tests. Teaching your child to study, however,…