2 mins read

Types of Fake Diamonds

Prohibitive prices mean that diamonds are not always a girl’s best friend. Fortunately, diverse options in fake diamonds make buying bling on a budget possible. Fake diamonds typically do not have the same hardness as their real counterparts, but they can easily simulate the shine and sparkle of real diamonds–at a fraction of the price. Consider the pros and cons of various types of fake diamonds before purchasing your next piece of jewelry. As you look at diamonds and fake diamonds, keep the four Cs in mind: cut, clarity, color and carat weight.

2 mins read

What I DON’T Want for Mother’s Day

Mothers Day is just around the corner and everyone is asking the moms what we want. Im a simple gal and not particularly high maintenance in the gifts department. I dont want flowers or jewelry for Mothers Day or any other occasion really. In fact, my perfect Mothers Day gift would be doing without some things.

3 mins read

The Only “Push Present” I Want Comes In A Yellow Wrapper

The other night in one of the childbirth classes I teach, we were talking about pushing and the moment that your beautiful child comes out into the world and is placed in your arms. I was sort of choked up thinking about how beautiful the moment was when my first child was placed into my arms and how it made every minute of the 28 hour labor worth it. One of the moms asked me if I got a push present after I had each child.