2 mins read

Tips on Exercising While Pregnant

Exercise is generally safe for pregnant women and might even make you feel better. Physical activity gives you more energy and might help relieve back pain and constipation that are common during pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy should focus more on overall wellness than weight loss, which isn’t recommended while pregnant.

3 mins read

Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

You don’t have to stop exercising just because you are pregnant. In fact, exercise will help you feel better throughout your pregnancy and can help prepare you for the birth. If you don’t exercise, you can take it up even after you get pregnant; just discuss your exercise plans with your health care provider before you begin to make sure you don’t overdo it.

3 mins read

I Am Dieting & Exercising But Still Not Losing Weight

If you are dieting, exercising and not seeing the numbers on the scale go down, it can be disheartening. You may even go back to your unhealthy habits, thinking that the healthy changes don’t seem to be worth all the trouble. Don’t give up just yet. By determining the reasons why your diet and exercise plans aren’t working, you can make changes to put you on the track to weight loss.

2 mins read

How To Lose Weight Without Exercising

Many women who are eager to shed unwanted weight opt to hit the gym and sweat it off. If you have neither the desire, nor the time, to do this, you do have other options. Women who don’t exercise do not have to resign themselves to a life of shopping in the plus-size section. In fact, an article in the Aug. 9, 2009, issue of “Time” magazine even reported that the benefits of exercise, according to some, have been overstated as many exercisers use their physical activity as an excuse to treat themselves, negating their hard work. While losing weight without exercise is not a simple task, with attention to your food intake, and dedication to diet modification, you can accomplish the feat.