3 mins read

Autism and a Bus Ride

My child with autism will attend a local college at the end of the month. We have decided that most of time he can take a bus to school. This led us to make a suggestion for a summer experiment. What was the suggestion? Practice your bus ride to school. First, we got him a…

4 mins read

Autism and Interacting with the Police

Autism and Interacting with the Police This happened: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-shoot-13-year-old-boy-autism-salt-lake-city-mother-called-for-help/ So, what’s a parent with a teenager on the autism spectrum supposed to think of what happened here? What do I think? First, I’m terrified. Second, I’m angry. Third, I’m confused. Why am I terrified? That could have been my child. My child does get unregulated…

4 mins read

Autism and Interacting with the Police

Autism and Interacting with the Police This happened recently: https://news.yahoo.com/13-old-boy-autism-allegedly-201119829.html So, what’s a parent with a teenager on the autism spectrum supposed to think of what happened here? What do I think? First, I’m terrified. Second, I’m angry. Third, I’m confused. Why am I terrified? That could have been my child. My child does occasionally…

5 mins read

Autism verses Neurotypical Embarrassment

Autism verses Neurotypical Embarrassment I read an article recently from an autistic adult who wrote about how neurodiverse people learn neurotypical social skills…and should they? How much do they need to know? Where’s the point when the neurodiverse gets to be the neurodiverse? Is it always appropriate that neurodiverse people (for this blog I discuss…