4 mins read

Autism and On-Line Etiquette

Autism and On-Line Etiquette My son is an on-line gamer. Recently, he’s been playing this Risk-like game that takes place in Europe and can be a multi-player game. He likes doing the multi-player because he can occasionally get a player or two from Europe. The game can have up to thirty players at a time.…

2 mins read

5 Teenage Rules – Who Knew?

We recently went on a family ski trip that involved very little skiing. Mother Nature has not been well behaved, so we had no snow and conditions were not even cold enough for the snow-making machines to do their thing. So, we spent our ski trip doing a lot of alternative activities – bowling, walking,…

3 mins read

Winter Party Games for Kids

With winter comes the winter holidays, and parties are a big part of many of those holidays. Since the weather outside often gets frightful, in the winter, these parties are most often held indoors. Still, this does not mean you have to limit your fun to quiet indoor games. Children, in particular, love to play games in the snow. Or, if you stick to the indoors, there are plenty of games you can play that are fun.

2 mins read

Birthday Games for Children

The most important aspect of planning a children’s birthday party is setting up festive party games and activities. Before getting everyone into a beach ball volleyball match in the pool or soccer in the park, consider the range of skills and ages, as well as the group size. Some competitive and traditional team sports do not keep children entertained as well as traditional and creative party games.