4 mins read

How to Discipline Highly Sensitive Toddlers

We’ve all heard of the “Terrible Twos.” The toddler years are marked by intense emotion and feelings on the part of the little one–these reactions can be magnified if your child’s temperament is naturally more intense. Disciplining toddlers with more sensitive and intense temperaments is done in the same way disciplining a more easy going child–it will just take more patience, perhaps more repetitions and better planning on the part of the parents.

3 mins read

About Early Infant Stimulation

Early infant stimulation can help newborns differentiate between different smells, develop their vision and become comfortable with touch, motion and sounds. Parents who want to reduce the risk of developmental difficulties in their child can engage their newborn in a variety of stimulating activities, thereby encouraging their baby to become comfortable with a wide range of sensory experiences.

5 mins read

How Accurate Are Home Pregnancy Tests?

Available over-the-counter at drugstores, home pregnancy tests are cheap, easy, quick tests that tell you whether or not you are pregnant by detecting the presence of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in your urine. You should always check with your doctor if you get a positive result on a home pregnancy test. Your doctor can confirm whether or not you are pregnant with a blood test and/or a pelvic exam, and start you on a course of prenatal care to assure a healthy pregnancy. Even a negative result on a home pregnancy test is a heads-up to call your doctor to look for possible medical reasons for your missed period(s).