6 mins read

How to Build Muscles Quickly for Women

Many women shun strength training and any exercises associated with building muscle mass for fear of becoming bulky and unfeminine. However, a woman with muscles is still a woman; you can do strength training and build long, lean muscles that create a sculpted look, make you stronger, and define your curves. Strong and healthy can be a sexy look and an appealing lifestyle.

3 mins read

Painful Sex & Pregnancy

Sex and pain don’t need to come together even during pregnancy, according to the March of Dimes and the Baby Centre. Most women can safely have sex throughout their pregnancy. Some expectant moms are likely to enjoy sex even more while pregnant, due to the increased blood flow to all areas of the body, including the pelvic region.

3 mins read

The Best Workouts for Cellulite

Ask any woman to point out a problem area on her body, and chances are she’ll point to her dimpled thighs or buttocks. Atma JoAnn Levitt, head of the integrative weight-loss program at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, explains that cellulite is a collection of excess bodily fluid called lymph. When the blood doesn’t adequately circulate throughout the body, lymph accumulates under the skin and gives it a “cottage cheese” appearance. Fortunately, you can incorporate workouts for cellulite into your daily exercise routine to help smooth and tone your legs.