3 mins read

Excessive Weight Loss After Pregnancy

While many women may struggle to lose weight and regain their pre-pregnancy shape, other new mothers may shed pounds quickly. The rate at which you lose your pregnancy weight can affect your health and the health of your breastfeeding baby. Very rapid weight loss may signal the presence of postpartum depression, or baby blues. Notify your doctor if you experience any unusual postpartum symptoms such as excessive weight loss, loss of appetite or frequent crying spells.

3 mins read

Good Ways for a Teen to Lose Weight

Excessive weight is a problem for more than 12.5 million children in the United States, reports WebMD. If your teen is struggling to beat the bulge, you can be instrumental in her ultimate success. While broaching the subject of weight can be difficult, tackling the issue will ultimately be beneficial to your teen as weight loss efforts can improve both her physical and mental health.

2 mins read

How to Help Young Kids Lose Weight

Overweight children can suffer from physical and emotional issues, according to MayoClinic.com. Children who are overweight have an increased chance of becoming heavy adults. This leads to many weight-related risk factors, such as heart disease, stroke, certain cancers and diabetes. While children cannot go on strict diets, as they are still growing, there are things that you can do to encourage a young child to lose weight. Exercise and healthy eating are key components to childhood weight loss.

4 mins read

The Dangers of Excess

As you breathe, pray for the edge that is you to be as thin as possible and only as thick as necessary. -Mark Nepo The Book of Awakening Too many to-dos, too many items in your home that require maintenance and upkeep, too many clothes in your closet and dresser you never wear. Excess is like clouds blocking us from the sun.