2 mins read

Why I’m Saying No to Mom Bangs

Two of Americas most famous and wildly different moms – singer Jennifer Lopez and mom-in-chief Michelle Obama – revealed nearly identical haircuts last week. Bangs. Mom bangs, to be exact. For most of my life, I thought bangs were for first-graders. A badge of childhood. Something you outgrew by age seven. Instructions your mother gave the hair salon for your little brothers first haircut, as in Just give im some bangs. You know, cute.

2 mins read

How Are Sperm Stored in Sperm Banks?

A sperm bank will freeze and store a man’s sperm until he–or someone else–is ready to use it. This is an ideal solution for anyone who must go through a treatment that can harm sperm production or ejaculation. Some sperm banks will even pay you for your specimen if you allow single women or infertile couples to use your sperm to conceive.