4 mins read

Thanksgivukkah Boycott

The Jewish calendar is a strange thing. Ill spare you the gory details, but the most important things to know are that its a luni-solar calendar, and that there are seven leap years in every nineteen year cycle. And leap year doesnt mean you add a day, like in the Gregorian calendar. It means you add an entire 30 day month.

4 mins read

Ab Exercises After Pregnancy

Women who have gone through a pregnancy often have the same or similar experiences. After giving birth they are not only heavier but their bodies are not of the same shape and size as they were before they were pregnant. Pregnancy and childbirth can be traumatic. A woman’s abdominal muscles will be both stretched and weakened after giving birth, and her body will not automatically restore itself to its original condition. However, a woman can tighten these muscles and slim down the abdominal area with proper exercise.*