3 mins read

Natural Treatment for Social Anxiety in Kids

Social anxiety can be mild or severe, but it makes childhood and adolescence more difficult, preventing kids from developing into confident, connected adults. While psychiatric medications are one option, natural or non-drug therapies can also treat social anxiety and social phobia. Non-medical treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise, biofeedback and relaxation techniques. Help your child or teen learn to cope with social anxiety, reduce stress and thrive.

4 mins read

Lice Treatment Products

Lice are small, crawling insects that infest and feed on human hosts. Contrary to earlier speculation, the presence of lice does not indication a lack of good personal hygiene. Lice are spread through person-to-person contact, and if one member of a household becomes infested, lice can spread rapidly throughout the entire family. All types of lice can usually be controlled with over-the-counter treatments, but occasionally a prescription medication may be required.

2 mins read

Effective Nail Biting Treatments

Not only do nails provide skin protection for fingers and toes, fingernails can be quite useful for actions like scratching an itch. Nail biting can be a habit that is difficult to break. While some people may be able to simply make a conscious decision to stop biting nails, other people may have a more difficult time and find themselves time and time again biting their nails. Nail biting treatments can be useful in breaking the nail biting habit.

3 mins read

Measles Symptoms & Treatment

Measles is a respiratory infection, causing a skin rash and flu-like symptoms. Measles is usually a children’s disease, but you can get it an any age. It is unpleasant and sometimes serious. For every 1,000 children who get measles, one or two die, according to MedlinePlus. If your child gets measles, he is likely to feel miserable for several days. In addition, measles can lead to pneumonia.

4 mins read

Thinning Hair in Women: Causes & Treatments

Not too many people think that women suffer from hair loss; however, it is a common problem affecting many. There is a type of hair loss that is genetic in nature, and some that are due to stress, malnutrition and chronic diseases. No matter what type of hair loss problem a woman has, it can cause psychosocial and emotional stress due to its effect on her overall physical appearance. Fortunately, there are some treatments available that patients can choose from in order to cure or impede the loss of hair.