2 mins read

The Risks of Caffeine for Teens

Many Americans today might claim that they need their caffeinated beverage of choice to simply get through the day. With work, kids, appointments, and chores, many adults have adapted the proper amount of caffeine into their schedule to help them meet increasing responsibilities throughout the day. However, what happens when teens start drinking substantial amounts of caffeine? Are their growing bodies and minds fit to consume caffeine without knowing the full effects of the drug?

6 mins read

Put Your Money To Work!

Seems like every time I turn around one survey after another is asking me about my income. Even my church seems to care how much money I make! I find it amusing that not once in the past 43 years have I ever been asked how much money I save. And at the end of the day isnt that a more relevant number? Its time to stop thinking only about the amount of …