2 mins read

How to Tell If a Child Has Asthma

Asthma is a highly common breathing-related disorder that affects approximately five million American children, reports the American Academy of Pediatrics. Diagnosing this disorder quickly is important, as there are treatments that can prevent the problem from becoming even more difficult for your child to bear. If you think that your child may be one of the five million kids who suffer from asthma, be on the look out for some signs of the disorder, and share your concerns with his doctor as soon as possible.

8 mins read

Tormented Tummy? 10 Best & Worst Foods for a Long-Term Fix

Getting a stomach ache is the WORST! The pain, or sometimes the feeling that you’re going to ralph at any second, is just another thing that moms have to deal with every once in a while in addition to the gazillion other tasks they must complete in a day. There’s no way to prevent those fluke tummy tumults–food poisoning, for example–that hit unexpectedly. There are, however, some general guidelines you can follow in order to stay as far away as possible from the other stuff–indigestion, constipation, gas, diarrhea, etc.

3 mins read

Good Personal Hygiene Habits for Preteens

As your child enters her preteen years, a brand new flood of hormones cause physical changes, as well as a whole new set of problems — body odor, oily hair and acne, to name a few. Good personal hygiene is essential for the tween who’s socially engaged and self-assured. Personal hygiene isn’t simply about cleanliness or physical attractiveness; the tween who makes it a habit to bathe every day and use antiperspirant shows consideration for others who share the same space.

3 mins read

Tree Allergies

Tree allergies can be mild, producing symptoms such as watery eyes and a runny nose. Or, they can be life-threatening. It all depends on what part of the tree you are allergic to. Most people who complain of tree allergies are actually allergic to the pollen. This is sometimes called “hay fever.” Pollen allergies do not usually pose a serious health threat. A few people are allergic to tree nuts, which is a food allergy, and much more serious.

3 mins read

Schools for Children With Behavioral Problems

While most kids can achieve academic success in a standard school, some children that struggle with severe behavior problems require a more tailored learning environment. If your child has a diagnosed behavioral disability, or spends more time in the principal’s office than in the classroom, a specialized behavioral school may be the right choice for him. By considering the benefits of the behavioral school, you can ensure that your child gets the support he needs to overcome his behavioral challenges and succeed in school.