3 mins read

The Do’s and Don’ts of Firework Photography

Few things spark that sense of awe like a well-done fireworks show. But capturing those special moments on film – especially at night – can be tricky. Luckily, we have a few “Do’s and Don’ts” from the photo enthusiasts at Pholium, the digital photo book design and giving app for the iPad. Here are some tips to help you get the perfect shots this Independence Day.

1 min read

Mommy Makeup Tutorial: How To Wear Gold & Silver Eye Shadow

The holiday season is here and it’s the perfect time to bring some glamour and glitter to your makeup look.Try these five easy steps using gold or silver shadows to add some twinkle and shine to your eyes!Step 1Apply a gold or silver shadow all over the eyelid (pat/press color onto lid with a flat eye shadow brush). Keep applying until you see the color really popping.Step 2Add …