10 mins read

10 Ways to Create a Healthy Nursery

Preparing for a baby is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, but it can also be daunting. Everyone from the baby store employee to your own mother has an opinion on what you should eat, wear, and buy. Our rule of thumb is to keep things simple, follow your instincts, and most importantly, do what’s best for you and your baby. We’ve put together a list to help guide you towards creating a nursery that promotes health and a low carbon-footprint. Even making one small change towards green living can have a huge impact on your child’s life.

5 mins read

My Son Gets Psyched Out By Sports Team Tryouts

Here is the conversation I have with my son three months before a given sport is meant to begin: Me: Do you want to play [soccer, football, basketball, baseball] this year? Because sign-ups are now. Him: Yeah. Here is the conversation I have with my son three minutes before the first day of practice for any given sport: Me: Come on, get your shoes on, weve got to leave for practice!

4 mins read

70’s Revival

Its no secret that when it comes to fashion women dress for other women. A man in general is easy to please, for the most part they are clueless and they like the basics cute, sexy, and confident with your best assets highlighted. Its other women, other style hunters that understand your taste and notice every detail.