3 mins read

The Use of Vibrators During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is no time to ignore your sexual desires. In fact, some women find their arousal increases during pregnancy. You naturally experience increased pelvic blood flow and increased breast sensitivity, which can heighten your sexual pleasure. You may also find sex with your partner is uncomfortable as your belly grows. Vibrators can help you achieve orgasm both with your partner and on your own without putting strain on your body or requiring you to fish for a comfortable sexual position. They’re considered generally safe to use during pregnancy as long as you follow a few guidelines.

3 mins read

Sex Enhancement Tips

Good sex is extremely important for all couples. Though your libido may ebb and flow over the years, you should aim to make sex a priority, because the physical intimacy can make you feel mentally and emotionally closer as well. Most people have to work at having a good sexual relationship, so don’t feel badly if your sex life isn’t exactly what you want.