3 mins read

What NOT To Do When Starting A Business

It happens all the time, starting a business with a close friend sounds like a lot of fun…but it’s not always wine and roses. Priorities change and two people may soon have two completely different visions for the company long term. I’ve been to the school of hard knocks in regard to partnership, and I’ve seen it destroy others’ friendships over the years. So, think long and hard before going into a partnership and if you decide to move forward, be sure you have plans in place for things like an exit strategy if one partner wants out, financing the biz issues, time commitments etc. In my book, Your Idea, Inc. I have a survey that’s helpful to discuss with a potential partner before starting a business so as not to end a wonderful friendship but as a starting point, I recommend lots of dicsussion!

3 mins read

School Shootings and Why Boys Need Boys

Amidst the shock, horror, grief, and fury over school shootings, we all look for the cause of the violence, and the solution to stopping the next attack. Some reason we need more guns — armed schoolteachers and guards. Others argue for fewer guns, regulated by stricter legislation. Mental health professionals maintain that we need better treatment and medication of troubled kids. Others blame allegedly reckless antidepressant overmedication by mental health professionals. The ferocious debate overlooks one …