1 min read

3 Steps to Relieve Anxiety and Return to The Now

Now that we know how important being the observer and living in the present moment is, lets try a visualisation technique that will help you accomplish both. Lets say youre stressed out. Youre feeling some anxiety or that you might react in a way that is not in line with your heart in a stressful situation. What can you do to reboot? 3 Steps to Relieve Anxiety and Return to The Now

2 mins read

Pregnancy Relaxation Exercises

Pregnant women deal with a variety of emotions and potentially stressful situations. From the financial responsibility to medical decisions, pregnancy and childbirth leave some women looking for ways to relax and reduce stress. Relaxation exercises are safe for pregnancy and also work well after your baby is born because you will need continued stress relief.

5 mins read

Six Simple Food Tricks To Beat The Winter Blues

Do you feel a little bummed out in the winter? The two of us definitely favor the warm, sunny summer months and Tammy even named her daughter Summer, since we love the season so much. And in the winter we tend to feel less happy. It turns out, theres actually a reason why! When were exposed to sunlight our brains produce endorphins, our bodys feel good chemicals. In the winter time, with less sun, we make fewer endorphins and were less content.

3 mins read

Dating a Man With a Big Ego

At first, you were taken in by his charm and impressed by his self-confidence. Those first dates often felt like a dream come true when he took charge and entertained you with his boisterous personality. Unfortunately, you are now having that heart-sinking feeling that what you once thought was strength is actually an over-inflated ego.…