5 mins read

Fashion for Women Over 40

You’ve passed the 40-year-old milestone people once referred to as “middle-aged,” a term than conjures visions of a woman past her prime. Maybe you have teenage daughters who now get the attention you used to attract. The answer is not to dress like a teenager yourself just because you can; that only makes you look older. On the other hand, you don’t have to look like a frump with elastic pants and sensible shoes. As a 40-something, a wonderful world of fantastic clothes is just waiting for you to explore.

2 mins read

Hairstyles for Baby Fine Hair

Fine hair has a small shaft diameter. You can have abundant fine hair or your fine hair can be sparse and thinning. While volumizing styling products, including shampoos, conditioners and sprays, can help your hair look fuller, you should also choose a style that works with your hair texture, creating the appearance of thicker, more abundant hair.