2 mins read

Tips to Liven Up Tired Eyes

Simple is sexy when it comes to makeup, even when you’re trying to camouflage tired-looking eyes. Avoid heavy eye makeup applications when you need to lift your eyes. The last thing tired eyes need is something to weigh them down. Here are some tips to liven up those tired eyes. (1) Brighten Eyes with White Shadow A small amount of pearl shadow or white eyeliner can brighten up your eyes.

2 mins read

Signs of a Tubular Pregnancy

Many women worry about their pregnancies and the health of their unborn baby. Although most pregnancies progress without serious problems, some situations can threaten your pregnancy and pose serious risks to your health. One type of crisis–an ectopic pregnancy–occurs when the fertilized egg implants outside your uterus. Most pregnancies that begin outside the uterus occur inside the fallopian tubes. Tubal pregnancies require prompt medical care. Knowing what signs to watch for when you’re expecting can help you recognize the symptoms of a tubal pregnancy.