2 mins read

What Type of Vitamins Help Fertility?

When you are trying to conceive, taking steps to improve your fertility can help speed the process and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Several different vitamins and herbal supplements do appear to improve or enhance fertility or help to prevent problems in the earliest part of pregnancy. Think carefully about taking any supplements other than a prenatal vitamin when trying to conceive, and consult your physician, naturopath or herbalist for further information and assistance.

3 mins read

The Types of Fever in Children

Fevers in children can be frightening for their parents. In fact, the leading cause of emergency room visits for children is a fever, according to eMedicinehealth. In most cases, fevers caused by a minor infection, but some types of fevers in children are more serious and can be a cause for concern.

3 mins read

Types of Family Planning

Family planning, also known as contraception or birth control, is a way to control unwanted pregnancies. Many methods of family planning are available, so each couple should be able to find one that is right for them. Talk to your health-care provider to determine the best type of birth control for you. When picking out the best method of contraception, a doctor factors in your health and whether you have and want children.