4 mins read

How to Give Birth at Home

Giving birth at home has become a popular choice. Women who give birth at home have more flexibility when it comes to how they labor, they do not have unnecessary interventions such as continuous fetal monitoring and they are able to eat and drink as often as they’d like. Giving birth at home is a great option for any woman who has a low-risk pregnancy and is prepared to give birth without medication. The following steps will prepare you to give birth at home.

2 mins read

Toddler Motor Skills

As your child moves through his toddler years, he will transition from the can’t-even-roll-over baby to a walking, jumping, running ball of energy with which you will have to struggle to keep up with. During these years, your child’s motor skills go from basically nonexistent to highly defined, making this period an important one in the process of physical development.

3 mins read

Is My Child Mentally Disabled?

Worrying about your child is a natural part of being a parent. Many moms spend a lot of their time concerned about their child’s development. If your observation has left you concerned about your child’s mental capacity, consider the signs and symptoms of mental disability. By exploring the process of disability diagnoses and educating yourself on what mental disability would mean for your child, you can prepare yourself to respond effectively to the presence of a mental disability in your child.

3 mins read

Help, I’m A Closet Hoarder!

I am a closet hoarder. No, really. I hoard things in my closet. When I finally admitted this to my husband, his response was Ya think? Im not a messy person. I cant think in a cluttered room and dust bunnies make me dry-heave. After giving birth to my daughter, I began taking Zoloft to prevent an unmade bed or a dirty dish from sending me into a postpartum tailspin. But take one look in any drawer, closet, cupboard or attic in my house, and youll see a different side. That is, if the rubble doesnt topple on you first.