7 mins read

Should you disclose autism specifics?

I found this article recently: “To disclose or not to disclose; that's the question many parents whose children have autism wrestle with every time they set foot in a public place. Is it better to be upfront about your kid's disorder to bemused strangers, or to keep your private business private? It's an internal debate that's…

1 min read

10 Tips for Trampoline Safety

Do your kids love to bounce around in the backyard? Trampolines are super fun and can also be a great way to exercise. But it’s important for children to stay safe while they’re playing on the springs. To keep little jumpers from getting any bumps, bruises or broken bones, always follow these important tips from Springfree Trampoline:

3 mins read

3D Ultrasound During Pregnancy

Not too long ago, the only way eager parents-to-be could get a glimpse of Junior before he made his big appearance was in one — or, if you were lucky, two — routine pregnancy ultrasounds. To the untrained eye of most parents, these ultrasound images are barely recognizable as being those of a child. Enter the 3D pregnancy ultrasound: an ultrasound method that provides a fully dimensional view of babies still in the womb. Before having a 3D ultrasound performed, however, understand that they are not designed to be medically diagnostic and are not recommended by any major medical association.

6 mins read

How I Dodged the Terrible Twos

Yesterday I was talking on the phone with my sister, asking how my little nephew has been. Were totally in the Terrible Twos, she sighed, her voice barely audible over the high-pitch wailing in the background that sounded like the cat was stuck in the pepper grinder. Hes mad because I put him in timeout for stabbing the dog with a fork.

3 mins read

Who are you trusting your child with may be hurting them!!!

My beef is that we trust our childrens coaches as their trainers. My perfectly healthy and very athletic son, was a part of an extraordinary amount of military up downs, (going from standing to a push up position and knees in back to standing) during which he hurt his perfectly healthy shoulder in October and it still bothers him during his favorite sport of baseball in June, it has never been the same! So what is going on??