1 min read

But I Don’t Wanna Mama! Why Telling the Truth Benefits You

Do you ever lie to your kids because it seems easier? Do you agree with friends to avoid offending them? How about leaving things out of the conversation ON PURPOSE? Is that still considered lying, anyway? These acts are harming you, but do you know why? This article explains why telling the truth actually benefits you, even though Mama would do anything to avoid a tantrum!

2 mins read

Do Contraceptives Work?

A number of contraceptive options are on the market today to prevent pregnancy, including hormonal contraception, chemical methods and barriers of various sorts. The effectiveness of each contraceptive varies, and failure rates are impacted not only by the birth control method, but also by user error. Used correctly, most contraceptives will prevent pregnancy, but some are a better choice than others.

3 mins read

How to Know If a Man Is Honest

Honesty is an important quality in any person, particularly a man who you are considering having a relationship with. It is very hard to know immediately whether or not a person is honest and trustworthy. There are no hard and fast guides to go by.Often, you have to rely on your intuition and hope you are making the best decision. There is one way to determine if a man is honest and that is to learn the signs of dishonesty.