1 min read

How Much TV is Your Child Watching?

It will not come as a surprise to any of us, but according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,nearly all (98.5%) youth aged 12-15 reported watching TV daily. Ninety-one % used computers daily. Excessive screen-time behaviors, such as using a computer and watching TV for more than 2 hours has been linked to high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and obesity among children. In 2012, one-quarter (25%) of boys and less …

6 mins read

The TV show “Atypical”

Netflix has recently released a new television show called, “Atypical.” What is it about? (Spoiler alert) “Atypical” is about an eighteen-year-old boy with autism. The story revolves around him navigating high school and hormones. He is a super intelligent kid, who has social awkwardness and obsessions. The show also includes other storylines around the kid’s…