2 mins read

How to Use Ankle Weights During Pregnancy

Many women exercise throughout their pregnancy. If you are used to working out three or four days a week, you don’t have to stop just because you are expecting a child. Exercise provides an avenue for stress release, helps you stay fit and allows you to maintain the routine you followed before you got pregnant. Using ankle weights during pregnancy can give you a better workout as long as you stay attuned to your body and don’t overdo it.

2 mins read

Can Women Firm Their Breasts by Lifting Weights?

The female breast is a subject of intense contemplation by both men and women. Breasts serve the natural function of producing milk to nourish our young, but they represent so much more, particularly when it comes to attitudes regarding femininity and sexuality. Contemporary Western culture celebrates large breasts as an ideal. As a result many women express dissatisfaction with the size of their breasts and seek natural means, such as exercise, to make their breasts larger and firmer.

3 mins read

Exercises for Women With Hand-Held Weights

You may not have space for a home gym with a lot of fancy equipment, but you can probably make room for a simple set of hand weights to help you tone your body and build muscle. Even if you can lift much heavier weights, start out with a light weight set of dumbbells, no more than 5 lbs each. As you work your way through the exercises, those 5 lbs may begin to feel like 50.