Miss. Rain
2 mins read

Miss. Rain

My 3 year old keeps blowing me away.  Not only because she is the most amazing kid on the planet, as I am sure most of your children are, but she is full of incredible one-liners.  I wish I had a book of all the questions my children have asked me over the years.  Maybe it’s only the parents that get a kick out of our children’s inquiring minds, but I swear I am in love with this stage of development.  I wish I could bottle her curiosity, naivety and innocence.  I ‘d like to keep it and sprinkle it on the pre-tween stage when it takes over her life!!!

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Yesterday, Rain came to me and asked, “Why is my Papa in love with you?”  I was shocked at the “in love” reference.  I replied, “You’ll have to ask him.”  She was not satisfied with that, and asked, “Why do you think he is IN LOVE with you?” 

What a question!!! I did my best to answer.  Then Rain asked her Papa.  David gave her many of the same reasons that I told her, and he added a few more sweet ones. “I’m in love with your mom because she is nice to me, she gave me you and Shaya, she’s a great mom, and she’s my best friend.”  Then Rain said, “She’s my best friend too Papa.”  By now, my tears were rolling… It was such a sweet moment. Then Rain looked at me and said, “Now you just dry those tears Mama.”  I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or grab her and squeeze her for being so adorable.  I felt like I was being comforted by my Nana.  All I could say was, “Where in the world did you hear that?!?”

“From the movies,” she replied

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Sometimes I forget how old she is, because she is way beyond her years.  My pediatrician told me to remember her actual age and not treat her like an older child.  It’s an important point; because on most days she is so capable of many things and sometimes she will have a typical 3-year-old melt down.  Those become frustrating, because we expect so much from her because she usually handles that with flying colors.  As much as I love her mature deep moments, I wish I could slow down time and enjoy more of these tender years.  Before I know it, she’ll be in my closet borrowing my clothes like Neriah.

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