What’s not to love…
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What’s not to love…

I just finished a novel that sadly is the first book I have read cover to cover in many years.  I haven’t been able to take the time.  That sounds really lame, but I am too tired at night, I have been working very hard the past 6 months writing my own book, and what little “Me Time” I do have is usually spent doing other things like Pilates, the gym, or beauty stuff.  I totally enjoyed losing myself in someone else’s journey or in the case of The Help, the journey of many women.  I loved the book and it make me think a lot about my own writing and the Sept 1st deadline of my book that is quickly approaching.
I am in the perfect place to wrap up the remaining chapters.  “Not Guilty” in particular is one of those chapters that is making me dig deep about the choices I have made in my life, the things I am holding on to emotionally and what I have chosen to let go.  I am on vacation in a very peaceful place that has a lot of history for me.  David and I traveled here 13 years ago…Its very powerful to return, this time in love and with our family. 

I am sitting on the beach right now, watching him play in the water with Rain.  Shaya is dragging a small surfboard all over the beach, trying to keep up with the older kids.  Do you ever look at your children and think, OMG I can’t believe they are mine?  Or I should say as “mine” as anything can be. I feel that way about my life sometimes.  I have had those thoughts in good and challenging times. 

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I have been to this island before, many times.  Each one was a different experience.  Makes me realize that life is what you make of it. Destinations, moments, challenges, all can become what you make of them.  I was here, in my favorite place in the world, 6 times before.  With different people, and different reasons.  Today I see that it still has the same special vibe, there is something in the air here that soothes me. 

When we were landing there was an incredible rainbow that practically wrapped around our plane.  The kids were memorized; it was one of the most beautiful sites ever.  There are many like that that we enjoy each day. Rain says she wishes she could live here.  I know that we will be spending a lot of time on our lives here.  What’s not to love…

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