3 mins read

School Prep Exhaustion!

I just finished purchasing all my kids’ necessary back to school items. I’m feeling pretty prepped for back to school time! But today it dawned on me that back to school time isn’t just about being physically prepared for your children to go back to school. It’s also about being mentally prepared.

Today, I felt completely overwhelmed. I was thinking about 4 children, two school systems, 8:00 a.m. drop-offs, 9:00 a.m. drop-offs, 2:00 p.m. pick-ups, 3:15 p.m. pick-ups, 5:30 pick-ups (after-school activities of course). And then I started thinking about scheduling extra-curricular activities: dance, piano, horseback riding…  How am I going to get everyone picked-up on time (at the right time!), get home to cook a family dinner, get everyone’s homework done, and get everyone off to bed?

So yes, I am overwhelmed thinking that I am my own personal assistant, my own secretary and the personal assistant to four young children who are counting on me.  I am held accountable for anything that is overlooked or screwed up.  

I’ve been racking my brain trying to dot all my i’s and cross all my t’s. I need to make sure all the lunches are made and there is an appropriate amount of time devoted to extra-activities (not too little or too much). I also have to consider the needs of my little ones:  Are they getting enough mommy-time?  Are they being stimulated enough?  This is a job meant for at least three people! Not just one mom! I’ve been trying to put my Supermom hat on in the midst of doing press for my newest show and gearing up for my new DWTS season.  My family is my most important priority. But keeping up with the lives and schedules of my four children on my own is really, really tough. I’m sure most moms can relate with the stress of back to school prep! Filling out the applications (and doing them properly), scheduling the mandatory doctor’s appointments, consoling the kids and helping them with their back to school stress takes a lot of energy!

Just today, I was at the supermarket, and I saw a dish full of little keepsakes. One said “Confidence” on it.  I purchased it for my 8-year-old.  She’s constantly worried, which is something that is always on my mind. I want her to feel comfortable. I have a responsibility as her mom to be sensitive to her feelings and comfort her when she’s  going through more challenging times.

My 2-year-old and 3-year-old  have really been acting up lately. It might be triggered by my own personal stress or it might be because summer is over and we’re trying to squeeze in a lot. Regardless, they’ve been needing a little more mommy time.

It’s just a really hectic time. I think moms all over the country understand this and feel the same stress I feel as we go into back to school mode. We’re doing it all, and we’re trying to do it perfectly. If things go wrong, we feel responsible. Juggling multiple lives is hard! Thank God for multitasking. But even so, as soon as the last kid finally goes to sleep each night, I’m exhausted. I hit my pillow and zonk out. 

I can’t wait to finally get everyone in their groove so we have time to take a deep breath! Hang in there moms, we’ll get through it! 

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