Commit Sweat and Connect
3 mins read

Commit Sweat and Connect

Hello Manic Monday!

Woke up this morning, packed lunches, dropped the kids off to school and now I’m off to the ballroom for another hectic show. As mothers, we all know what it means to have a daily schedule that is bursting at the seams. I don’t know about you, but when I finally get home at the end of the day, I sometimes think to myself, “How in the world did I just do that?” How did our mothers do it? How did our mothers’ mothers do it?

I know the answer to that question is different for every person. But through my experiences, I’ve come to learn that the only way I can make it through is by dedicating an hour of each day to myself.

For me, that hour is workout hour. One of the most important reasons that I work out is for my head just as much as for my body. It is 60 minutes where I can think, process and put things into perspective without any outside distractions. That hour of incredible sweat gives me a powerful rush of adrenaline and boost of energy that helps push me through all the daily challenges that come my way.

This morning, as I was doing my cardio, listening to some of my favorite music, I got into a zone that is so hard to get into at home.  Somebody always needs something, somebody is always complaining, sometimes the kids are fighting, there is always something to do, something to clean, something to cook, a phone call to answer. The list goes on and on! That is why I chose to make this commitment and to honor it at least five days a week.

This past Sunday, I taught a class inspired by my DVD to my Malibu mommies and friends. It was an amazing hour that we all spent together – breathing, working hard, burning and sweating. It was time shared amongst women, but it was also time committed to us. As I looked around the room, I was so proud of everyone for making that commitment. Each woman woke up on Sunday morning and made an active decision to put aside one hour for herself. Many of us had our kids playing on the couch just outside the studio, but we were there and feeling damn good about it. It was Mother’s Day and we gave ourselves the gift of time for ourselves.

My mantra these days – Make yourself as important as everyone else in your family.

Every Wednesday we will be publishing some new moves for you to do at home….check out our YouTube channel and please let me know what you think.

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