Apples Top “Dirty Dozen” List
1 min read

Apples Top “Dirty Dozen” List

A new report by the Environmental Working Group says apples are the most chemically contaminated produce. 

The report suggests buying organic apples instead of conventional apples to avoid the pesticides. 

The report lists these fruits and veggies as the Dirty Dozen:

1. Apples

2. Celery

3. Strawberries

4. Peaches

5. Spinach

6. Imported nectarines

7. Imported grapes

8. Sweet bell peppers

9. Potatoes

10. Domestic blueberries

11. Lettuce

12. Kale/collard greens

The report also lists the Clean 15:

1. Onions

2. Sweet Corn

3. Pineapples

4. Avocado

5. Asparagus

6. Sweet peas

7. Mangoes

8. Eggplant

9. Domestic cantaloupe

10. Kiwi

11. Cabbage

12. Watermelon

13. Sweet Potatoes

14. Grapefruit

15. Mushrooms

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