4 mins read

Coronary Artery Disease in Women

Coronary artery disease is the leading killer of women in the United States. Women tend to ignore the symptoms of coronary artery disease and not seek medical care until it is too late. According to American Family Physician, many doctors underestimate the risk that coronary artery disease poses for female patients. Understanding the signs and what preventative measures can be taken to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease for women can improve your health.

2 mins read

Teenage Heart Conditions

You may associate heart conditions such as heart attack or coronary artery disease with adults, not teenagers. Teenagers can have heart conditions too, although they are usually not the same conditions that plaque adults. Some conditions are the result of birth defects, while others result from insufficient medical care or an unhealthy lifestyle.

4 mins read

Heart Healthy Diet Plans

Many foods are not good for the heart. Even foods that we consider healthy, when taken in excess can contribute to heart diseases. It is always important for an individual to make sure to eat the right kinds of food and to eat them in moderation. Those who are prone to heart diseases, especially if it runs in their family, should consider heart healthy diet plans. A well-balanced diet accompanied by regular exercise can help promote a healthier heart.