2 mins read

Head, Heart Or Guts: Which Do You Use To Make Decisions?

As moms and mompreneurs, we are faced with constant decision making. I’ve questioned myself many times on how to make the best decisions especially when I have to decide quickly. I much prefer to be able to mull things over, contemplate during a yoga class or a long walk, think about the various scenarios, etc…but most of the time we don’t have that luxury. These days we need to act at the speed of technology. People want answers fast, and I must admit thatI do work at a fast pace, but it’s been responsible for some haphazard decisions.

3 mins read

Decisions About Someone Else’s Life

So here I am now, sitting at my computer, a complete flubbering mess. This morning, my whole family attended a religious ceremony at my my sons school (my grade one-er). There we were, all six of us; me, hubby, two grandmothers, two grandfathers, beaming with pride. I was on video camera duty, hubby on regular camera duty. We were all right there, the cheering squad, front row.