5 mins read

Life and Lifeguards

The surreal aspect of getting divorced after 20 years of marriage, during which time you were working frantically and raising three kids maniacally, is that your daily routines stay the same, but just about every second of every day feels strangely new and bizarrely unpredictable. Most days, I feel like a blind woman who has had experimental surgery that successfully restored my sight. I live the exact same life in the exact same world. But …

2 mins read

Could Your Kids Pee in the Woods if They Had To?

I was listening to some parenting expert the other day (and really, arent all parents experts?), and the woman was commenting on how kids dont know how to be bored. If they ARE bored, they dont know how to entertain themselves without the use of technology. I loved this scene from Judd Apatow’s “This is 40″… Debbie: We have decided to cut back on all of the electronics we use. Sadie: What?