3 mins read

Early Signs of Mental Illness in Children

While some assume that children are immune from the effects of mental illness, in truth, children can be afflicted with these potentially debilitating disorders just as adults can. If your family has a history of mental illness, or your child’s behavior appears to be well outside the norm, you child may be one of the sizable child population inflicted with a mental illness.

4 mins read

Nostalgic Amnesia: Are You a Victim?

There’s a real epidemic sweeping our country. It affects women exclusively of (or over) child-bearing age, and cuts across socio-economic lines and races. I’ve only experienced it in the United States, but my guess is that it’s really a worldwide problem. No need to check Snopes.com, this is a true issue, not an online hoax: nostalgic amnesia.

2 mins read

Asthma Rates Have Increased Dramatically Since 2001

Do you have asthma? You’re not alone. New stats show that the number of people diagnosed with the condtion has increased by 4.3 million from 2001 to 2009. That’s nearly 1 in 12 people! Asthma is a fairly common pulmonary condition that can cause wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. Patients can control their asthma symptoms, which are usually triggered by things in the environment, through medication or by avoiding things that cause their illness to flare up, including smoking and air pollution.

2 mins read

Protein Needed in a Teenage Diet

Protein is an essential part of your growing teen’s diet. Protein makes up every cell, organ and body tissue — however, these proteins are continually breaking down and must be replenished. Your teen’s need for protein depends on age and gender. However, it’s not enough that your child get the requisite amount or protein — the quality of the protein in your teenager’s diet matters, too.