1 min read

Classic Celebrity Christmas Cards

As the holidays approach, mailboxes begin to overflow with Christmas cards from friends, family, people you haven’t seen since high school Some are simple, some are silly and some are just plain awkward looking. Themes can range from color coordinating outfits to “funny” poses or backdrops. But years later, you can be sure that someone, somewhere will still have that faded card hanging on their fridge – so better make it count! Here are a few celebrity holiday cards from year’s past:

8 mins read

Bedtime Music: 10 Soothing Classical Pieces for Kids

The following is a guest post by Robert Greenberg, author of How to Listen to Great Music: A Guide to Its History, Culture, and Heart. Ah, bedtime. The kids’ teeth are brushed; their pj’s are on; the book has been read, and then read again. They have been kissed goodnight. At which point begins THE BIG STALL. “I’m hungry”; “I’m thirsty”; “I need to go to the bathroom”; “I need to call my broker”; etc.

3 mins read

Classic Hairstyles for Older Women

Hairstyles that looked good on you in your 20s and 30s may not enhance your appearance in your later years. As you mature, your hair and features change, requiring you to adjust your style to create an attractive appearance. Classic styles — ones that don’t come and go with changing trends and fluctuating fads — are the best choice for older women.