5 mins read

Brooke Burke: Burke Family Traditions

Having just returned from New England with my family, I have a new-found love for frosty weather, bare trees and chaos.It was a meaningful week watching my children and my little brother navigate the loving traditions of my Burke roots. Getting the seven of us to the east coast on a red eye flight was ambitious, especially at this time of year, but oh-so-worth it.Props to me, if I do say so myself …

3 mins read

How to Recognize Autism in Toddlers

Unlike many other disorders that afflict children, no chemical test can be performed to detect the presence of autism. Children are instead diagnosed with autism as the result of observations of their behavior. By watching how children interact with each other and the way they carry themselves, parents and medical professionals can detect and officially diagnosis autism. As a mom, you are on the front line of the autism war, as you will likely notice before all others that your child appears to be suffering. If you suspect that your toddler may be autistic, there are some characteristics for which you can watch.

3 mins read

Toddler Rosacea

Few things are cuter than a rosy-cheeked toddler, but in some cases, those bright red cheeks may be the sign of a more serious underlying condition. Though it’s fairly rare, some toddlers can develop rosacea, a skin disorder more common in older people. Knowing how to recognize and treat this condition can help ensure that your child’s skin problem doesn’t become a major issue.

2 mins read

Twins And Birthday Parties: Do You Have To Invite Both?

How do you handle twins and birthday parties? As a mother of two sets of twins, the daughter of twins, and the daughter-in-law of twins (crazy, huh?) Im tackling this issue with a lot of experience. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions: 1. If you invite a child to a birthday party, should you invite his or her twin as well, even if they are not in the same class?