2 mins read

What Causes Baby Hiccups?

Babies, like adults, get the hiccups. In fact, babies hiccup before they are even born. The causes of hiccups in infants and babies vary. While it may be frustrating to watch your baby go through a bout of hiccups — especially when she is trying to sleep — most of the causes are not serious. Some, however, can be uncomfortable or even life-threatening for your baby.

2 mins read

Baby Hair Growth

There’s an old saying that if a pregnant woman has heartburn, her baby will be born with a full head of hair. Interestingly enough, there is a correlation between heartburn and hair on a baby, according to the New York Times. Still, a baby born with hair might not keep that hair. In fact, it is hard to predict just when your baby’s hair will grow, how fast it will grow or how much she will have.

2 mins read

Acid Reflux While Pregnant

For some women, pregnancy proves not only to be a heart-warming experience, but also a heart-burning one. Bouts of acid reflux while pregnant leave many women feeling the pain and eager for a solution to their woes. If you find that your enjoyment of pregnancy is marred by a burning you can’t ignore, you may be one of the many who find acid reflux a common occurrence during gestation.

3 mins read

My Child Is Vomiting Blood

Vomiting is a symptom that occurs often in young children, especially when they have the stomach flu. In most cases, episodes of vomiting should pass within 24 hours, but if vomiting continues or your child is vomiting blood, contact your pediatrician. Vomiting blood is not always a symptom of a serious medical problem, but it needs to be evaluated by a health care professional.