3 mins read

Why Should We Eat Organic Food?

Organic foods cost — on average — 20 percent more than their non-organic counterparts. If you are looking to increase the nutritional value of the foods you serve your family and to decrease the chemical additives in the foods your family eats, paying the additional cost for organic foods may be worth it.

1 min read

How to Get a Baby to Drink Milk After Weaning From the Bottle

Once you’ve weaned your baby from the bottle, you want him to start drinking milk for the nutrition that it provides. Unfortunately, this isn’t always as easy as it sounds, especially if he’s used to drinking juice from the cup. Cow’s milk has a different taste and consistency than breast milk or formula, so many children take a while to develop a liking for it. With a bit of persistence, your little one will be drinking milk like a champ.