3 mins read

Heavy First Period After Pregnancy

There’s a lot still happening down there after pregnancy. Heavy bleeding and vaginal discharge can make you feel like you’ve been on a period for weeks. But then your regular menstrual cycle picks back up. You could find that when it does return, it’s not the same as it was before you got pregnant. A heavy period after pregnancy isn’t something to be alarmed about, unless you’re experiencing an unsafe amount of blood in a short time span.

3 mins read

Chinese Methods for Birth Control

As of July 2010, China’s population grew to an estimated 1.33 billion, making it the most populated country in the world. China’s ever-growing population prompted its government to implement the controversial “one-child” policy in 1979, which imposes a heavy fine to couples if they have a supernumerary child without a permit. Those who follow the law receive rewards and benefits. With no policy overturn in sight, as of 2010, Chinese couples continue to take birth control methods available to them.

3 mins read

Can You Be Pregnant on Birth Control With Periods Every Month?

You see it on television news all the time. An unsuspecting woman goes into labor because she had no idea she was pregnant. In many cases, she exhibited no symptoms. In fact, some women state that they were using birth control at the time of conception and others report having periods for the entire nine months of pregnancy. With stories like that, it is bound to make you wonder, “Could I be pregnant?”

3 mins read

Makeup Tricks to Hide Stretch Marks

Covering up with clothing does not always work for stretch marks, especially when the occasion calls for a certain type of clothing. Wearing an off-the-shoulder dress exposes stretch marks around your arms while a swimwear exposes stretch marks around your belly, butt and legs. Fortunately, using makeup can help camouflage stretch marks. Use proper techniques so that you do not have to worry about those times you have to comply with the dress code.