5 mins read

Normal Blood Pressure Levels for Kids

Even very young children can have high blood pressure. Medical problems such as heart or kidney disease are often the cause of high blood pressure in children younger than 10 years, explains MayoClinic.com. Blood pressure normally rises somewhat throughout childhood, but if your child has one or more risk factors for high blood pressure, his pediatrician may recommend more frequent blood pressure checks.

3 mins read

Normal Blood Pressure Levels for Women

High blood pressure sets the stage for all sorts of potential health complications. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), high blood pressure doesn’t discriminate based on gender; half of Americans with this condition are adult females. Normal blood pressure levels for women mean reduced risk for dire medical problems, such as heart attack and stroke.

6 mins read

Skip The Speed: 5 Reasons Teens Should Avoid Energy Drinks

This is the second piece in a three-part series from Bright Beacon on energy drinks. Don’t miss the first part – Energy Drinks: Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking? We all teach our kids to say no to drugs, but how many parents think to warn their children about the dangers of Red Bull?Here are five reasons why kids should stay away from energy drinks: 5. CAFFEINE – Heavy caffeine use has been linked to negative health effects. Energy drinks have more caffeine than coffee, and they aren’t regulated by the FDA.