1 min read

Nursing Mothers Granted Tax Break

Great news! Nursing moms are getting a new tax break from the IRS for breast pumps and other supplies. The same proposal was rejected last year because the IRS didnt think breastfeeding had enough benefits to be considered medical care. But, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other breastfeeding advocates fought for the proposal, citing the many long-lasting health benefits of breast milk. The IRS has changed their tune and will now allow mothers to count the cost of breast pumps and other supplies as a medical deduction.

5 mins read

What To Wear When Nursing

Everyone knows that pregnancy requires a huge style change to accommodate that ever-growing bump, but what about after pregnancy? It’s not so easy to slip back into your pre-motherhood wardrobe, especially if you are nursing. Constant boob access is key and you’ll be required to deal with a dynamic sized and sometimes leaking chest (not…

1 min read

4 Must-Haves for Nursing Moms

Did you know that August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month? In 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established National Breastfeeding Awareness Month to spread the word and educate women about the positive effects of nursing. So in honor of the campaign, check out a few of our favorite must-haves for nursing moms: Motherlove Nipple Cream

3 mins read

Foods Nursing Mothers Should Avoid

During pregnancy, there are several foods you should avoid, but the list becomes shorter once you give birth and begin breastfeeding. Most foods are fine for nursing mothers to eat. There are some exceptions that apply to all nursing moms. Other exceptions apply only to a handful of mothers based on their specific situations and babies.