2 mins read

What Causes Baby Hiccups?

Babies, like adults, get the hiccups. In fact, babies hiccup before they are even born. The causes of hiccups in infants and babies vary. While it may be frustrating to watch your baby go through a bout of hiccups — especially when she is trying to sleep — most of the causes are not serious. Some, however, can be uncomfortable or even life-threatening for your baby.

2 mins read

Signs of Preterm Labor in Pregnancy

Preterm labor is labor that occurs before the 37th week in a normal 40-week pregnancy. The March of Dimes reports that 12 percent of babies born in the United States each year are born premature. These babies usually require longer hospital stays and experience more extensive long-term health problems. Sadly, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), premature babies account for most newborn deaths. Learn the signs of preterm labor in pregnancy so you can be prepared.

2 mins read

Foot Cramps in Children

While some of your child’s aches and pains have a clear and obvious cause, because children are often active and injury prone, others may not be as easy to discern. Your child may experience cramping in his feet for a variety of reasons. Determining the cause of his cramps can help you treat his condition and ease his discomfort.