5 mins read

To Disclose Autism or Not?

To Disclose Autism or Not?   What do strangers deserve to know? When was the first time we disclosed our son’s autism? Honestly, only one or two people knew about my son’s autism for the first, well, two years. Yep, that’s right. We kept it to ourselves. And, then we disclosed only to family. Then,…

5 mins read

To Disclose Autism or Not?

What do strangers deserve to know? When was the first time we disclosed our son’s autism? Honestly, only one or two people knew about my son’s autism for the first, well, two years. Yep, that’s right. We kept it to ourselves. And, then we disclosed only to family. Then, years later, we disclosed…well, we disclosed…

3 mins read

The Best Day of Your Cycle to Get Pregnant

You and your partner have made the decision. It’s time to start “trying” to get pregnant. For best results, narrow down the day you ovulate–that is, the time you release an egg. An egg only spends a day seeking sperm with which to unite, and the day you ovulate is your most fertile. Three to five days before the egg’s release is also a good time to try, as sperm can survive that long. Instead of avoiding those magical days in the middle of your cycle, embrace them, and each other.

3 mins read

Can I Get Pregnant From Pre-Semen?

Pre-semen, usually referred to as pre-ejaculate or pre-cum, is the clear fluid that seeps out of a man’s penis when he becomes aroused. It’s not semen, which leaves the penis during ejaculation and contains millions of sperm. Many women wonder if contact with this fluid can lead to fertilization and pregnancy.